study techniques for exam

Master Your Exam Technique: 7 Ways to Boost Your Study

Who does not love to get good grades? If we do it smartly, then that’s a sure thing to do. Nowadays, we are surrounded by distractions. As a result, we are moving away from our goals. Today, I will describe some most used exam technique that will help you master your exam quickly. 

We have all the tips and tricks you need to ace those tests confidently. So buckle up and get ready to unleash your inner exam wizard with these game-changing exam techniques!

Before jumping on the techniques, These techniques will help you improve, but only ensure that you will ace your exam with reading. If you follow me, that will allow me to do better than before. 

1. Change Your Study Place: 

When I used to get bored with studying for a long time, then changing my study place helped me regain my focus. This is a unique hack that I used and got results for applying. Make sure your study place is clean and remove other distractions, which will enhance your study efficiency to the next level.

2. Spaced Repetition: 

Spaced repetition is an evidence-based learning technique that is usually performed with flashcards. We show new and harder flashcards more often, but the older and easier ones are less. This helps us remember things better because of how our brains work with spaced repetition. The use of spaced repetition has been proven to increase the rate of learning.


I can write a whole blog on this topic. You can also use the notion app to do spaced repetition perfectly. There, there you will also find various templates regarding spaced repetition that may help you.

3. Teach your exam topic to someone:

If you can teach someone what you have understood, that will create a visualisation in your brain, which will be saved for a long time. Teaching someone is a really effective learning technique.

4. Find your perfect time to study:

I mentioned it in one of my blogs, where I wrote about the psychology behind success. Everyone has their preferred time to work or study; in that time, they effectively focus on anything they want. 

It would be best to find out what a suitable time to study is that is productive. You may focus well in the morning, or you also prefer to study late at night. This thing really helps. I am a night owl, and nighttime is a productive period for me.

5. Isolation:

Time before the exam is crucial, and 80% of your marks depend on this time’s preparation. To study effectively, isolation is one of the most used ways by toppers. They even go to a library or lock themselves into a room while studying to escape distractions.

Isolation doesn’t mean you won’t talk to anyone or won’t pass the time with your family. Taking a break, going out, or chatting with family and friends will lower your stress and make you feel lighter.

reading alone

6. Active Recall:

When you actively use your brain to recall the knowledge you gained earlier, it is a part of active recall. It is not the same as recognition, but it is a process where you force your brain to recall all the knowledge you know about a particular topic.

You can watch this YouTube video in order to learn more about Active recalling:

7. Breathing Exercises:

Breathing exercise is one of the most effective ways to lower your stress quickly. You can use this technique in the exam hall to calm your nerves down, but it can also help you in the preparation time before exams.

There are several breathing exercises, but I prefer Dr Huberman’s technique, which he explained in his podcast:

here are many other common ways you already know, like taking a break from social media, using notes, taking breaks, etc. These factors are also necessary, but the list of items I mentioned is unique, and If you still need one, I will recommend doing so.

All of these exam technique will help you do better than before. These are the most practiced steps, and I wish you all the best regarding your success. What do you think about which of these tips you gonna use? Let us know in the comments.

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