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Exam hall panic? Here’s how to stay cool under pressure.

A lot of times, students fear exams more than they should. Sitting in an exam is an inevitable part of any student’s journey. So it is best for them to prepare accordingly instead of getting nervous. I’ve seen a lot of great students fail to achieve their potential just because of getting extremely nervous in the exam hall. Here, I’ll give you some simple and easy suggestions so that you can enter the exam hall and show others how it’s done.

1. Bring the necessities:

Prepare the night before. Remember to bring your pencils, pens, ruler, admit card, identity card, water bottle, and everything else you will need in the exam hall. Remember to bring extra pens and re-check your essentials before heading out for the exam.

2. Wake up earlier on exam day:

To make sure you have everything ready for the exam, you may want to wake up earlier than usual. Set an alarm at least 2 hours before and get proper sleep. Avoid staying up late the day before the exam; this will hamper your brain’s ability to problem-solve. Waking up early will give you enough time to revise the important topics and mentally prepare for the exam.

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3. Avoid last-minute cramming:

What I see a lot of young students do before any exam is thinking that revising at the last moment will make it easier to ”throw it all up” on their exam paper later on. But this is a serious misconception. Last-minute cramming can actually have the opposite effect that you desire. It can make you forget the things you studied and prepared for all these days. It can also have a detrimental effect on your memory, and it is sure to make your mind go blank while writing the answers on your exam sheet. Avoid any last-minute cramming and just revise and go through the most important topics instead. This is much more efficient and effective.

4. Eat a proper meal before:

Eating a good meal before an exam will boost your body and give strength to your mind. Eat nutritious food and drink a lot of water; this will give your body enough boost that it will affect your exam positively. A research paper on this matter delves deeper and provides light on the effects of nutrients on brain function.

5. Dress properly:

It gives confidence to the mind. In a finding from a study published on the _Journal of Experimental Social Psychology’s_ website, they show how wearing proper dress or outfit can affect your cognitive process. They go on to explain that if you dress properly, you can have more boost in your performance compared to if you dress poorly. You can use this to your advantage as a student for your exams. For this, just follow some basic dressing etiquettes. Iron your clothes, shine your shoes, maybe comb your hair properly. The bottom line is that you should look good as you see fit.

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6. Make a proper strategy for your exam:

Each and every course has a different approach to them. You need to make a good strategy of how you wish to answer each question before heading into the exam hall. For instance, if your subject is mathematically related, then be sure to write your numerals using a pencil as you may need to re-write them later for correction. On the other hand, if your exam is theory-related, then be sure to answer your questions from shortest to largest to ensure guaranteed marks first, since getting marks in bigger questions is harder than getting them on shorter questions.

7. Don’t waste time on any distractions in the exam hall:

You need to remember that every second counts. You cannot waste any time on things that occur in the exam hall. Always keep your focus. If you need to go out for a minute to get a breather but don’t waste valuable time while you’re writing as it will make you take up a lot more time to finish that answer.

8. Answer the questions that you are confident with:

Remember to answer the questions that you believe you can write on eBay first, even if it is the last question. This way you can keep the ones you are weak at the end of your exam when time is short and marks matter less.

9. Avoid leaving the hall even if you finish your exam early:

What I see a lot of students do is that they leave the exam hall way too soon. This is a very bad thing to do because you could use up that extra 5 or 10 minutes to revise everything that you have written so far. You can use it to correct any grammar mistakes or any typos, you can double-check your math calculations, your ID, name, etc. Leave when the exam ends and utilize each second for obtaining the best results.

Lastly, remember to stay calm because you have prepared for everything! There’s no need to fear. You have done your homework and you should be aware of that! Even if you are not confident with your exam, remember, there’s always room for improvement and you can try harder for the next exam. Until then, keep hustling!

I’d love to know about your thoughts and experiences about exam stress in the comments!

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