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Why Brain Breaks Are Essential for Academic Success.

Do you ever get upset when you can’t seem to grasp a concept or finish a work, even after making a great deal of effort? This could be the result of your brain’s continuous operation. I used to believe that the brain could function as long as my body was rested, but the truth is that brain function is far more complex. If the brain is used for extended periods of time, it can also become exhausted.

It is amazing to learn that chess players, who primarily sit still and don’t engage in physical activity, can burn as much as 6000 calories per day during tournament play, according to a study by Robert Sapolsky.  This shows that the brain is able to take in as much as calories as a pro athlete could just by processing information.

In this blog, I’ll try to inform you about the importance of brain breaks and why you should consider taking a break more often to boost your work output!

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1. Increases productivity: 

If you are able to take proper rests then your brain can work even better at solving problems much more efficiently. Your body as well as your mind needs proper rest because the stress it faces every day makes it harder and harder to stay consistent and positive.

2. Boost your output:

It’s been shown that students in classes that are shifted to 10 minutes instead of the usual 30-minute classes are much more focused. The study shows that taking several 10-minute lessons made the students more attentive and focused while on the other hand taking fewer 30-minute lessons wasn’t as effective.

3. Boosting brain function: 

Taking a break to do some physical work can boost the functioning process of your brain as well.  Engaging in physical activity increases blood flow and oxygenation in the brain, boosting neural connectivity and stimulating nerve cell growth in the hippocampus, the center of learning and memory. So exercise actually changes the structure of our brains, with several benefits. improved attention and memory, increased brain activity and cognitive function, and enhanced mood and ability to cope with stress.

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4. Improves creativity and problem-solving skills

During mental rest brain breaks, students have the space to engage in imaginative thinking, memorizing old events, and reflection. These activities stimulate the brain’s creative pathways, facilitating the making of new ideas, enhanced problem-solving skills, and a deeper understanding of the learning material.

5. Increase focus: 

Brain breaks during school hours give you a chance to take a breather and refresh your mind. You engage in natural activities during your breaks such as talking with friends, going out for a walk or even just closing your eyes and stopping thinking. Brain breaks are always prone to increase your focus and improve your workflow. 

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6. Reduces stress and anxiety

Brain breaks incorporate techniques such as deep breathing, guided imagery, and mindfulness exercises. These activities activate the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing stress hormone levels and inducing a state of relaxation. By practicing mental rest, students experience reduced anxiety, improved emotional regulation, and enhanced overall well-being.



At the end, you can understand that taking time out during your day is necessary to be more productive and focused in your work. Next time you are doing something stressful, remember to take a proper break time! This doesn’t mean scrolling your phone but some real quality time out. Go for a walk or out in the nature sightseeing. Simple acts such as these will compound into greater results and at the end of the day you will find ourself working more efficiently than ever!


Let us know your thoughts about taking a break and how it affected your day-to-day life in the comments below. 

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