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How to stay calm under pressure?

Let me give you a scenario: You lift a hot cup of tea, and your hands start burning.

Now you have two options: spill the tea on your hands and legs and take a burning bath, or stay clam and keep the cup in the nearest possible place and wash your hands with cold water.

You are under pressure, and you have only two options: either act anxiously and make things worse or accept the discomfort and complete your task to the best of your ability.

Athletes, politicians, Businessmen, and even we feel pressure and tend to choke in crucial moments. Even if we practice hard and are good at it, pressure and not staying calm can cause us to lose focus, which leads to choking.

Why do we choke?

Choking under pressure is primarily caused by a lack of focus due to distractions or overanalyzing skills. We get distracted by the negative thoughts of the consequences we may face if we fail.

Worries and fears hinder performance by occupying the mind. These thoughts hinder our focus, which leads to choking or making mistakes under pressure.

Self-consciousness and anxiety make some individuals more susceptible. To avoid choking, practice under stress, establish a pre-performance routine and maintain an external focus on the ultimate goal.

Stress management

It’s natural to experience stress, but it can hurt daily life if it’s not acknowledged or adequately managed. Maintaining a daily routine, getting enough sleep, connecting with others, eating healthy, exercising regularly, and limiting news consumption are essential for managing stress and staying healthy.

Accept that your actions are the only thing that can be controlled, and with your actions, you will find a way to get out of the problematic situation.

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How to stay calm under pressure

1. Practice under stress:

Practice makes a man perfect. For example, you have to give a presentation speech in front of your class. Even though you practiced your speech correctly, there is a chance that you may choke in front of the audience due to the pressure and nervousness. Practicing your speech in front of friends or family members can significantly improve your skills.

2. Breathing Exercise:

Deep breathing is a helpful way to relieve extra stress and quickly become calmer. It slows your heart rate, which helps your body relax and signals your brain to calm down. It helps to circulate the proper oxygen into your brain and calm your nerves.

3. Think About Achievement:

Even though Motivation comes from progress, thinking and working towards your goal also helps you stay focused. Keeping your final goals in mind can help you develop a positive attitude toward what must be done. By considering the ultimate goals of your work, you can gain a broader perspective on the context of your efforts.

4. Learn to be in discomfort:

When a tough time approaches, the pressure we feel is higher than usual, but the real key is facing it directly. Following the feeling of intensity and, utilize it to your advantage. The key is to get comfortable with the discomfort and push through like a champion!

Need to give a presentation for class? Rather than practicing alone, try out your speech with friends.

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5. Maintain Proper Sleep:

Sleep is essential for stress management. Lack of sleep makes the brain less productive and increases stress. Quality sleep is crucial, as it helps to heal your body and mind.

Sleep before any key event is a great asset; it boosts your mind and reduces stress. Before bed, practice stress-reducing techniques such as mindfulness, yoga, or journaling throughout the day to calm your mind.


When you acknowledge the stress, the next step should be working on it. If you let it be, it will be a barrier. Maintaining a routine, eating proper meals, and getting a good night’s sleep for at least seven hours daily is essential; these will keep your mind fresh and productive. The ability to stay focused in challenging situations is a skill that can be achieved through practice. 

You can also watch one of the most famous TED-Ed video on How to stay calm under pressure

All the steps mentioned here will help you grow; you need to execute them in your daily routine and practice mindfulness to make your brain calm and more productive. Staying calm under pressure is tough, but you will be unstoppable when you master it.

What makes you stressed under pressure? How do you overcome that? Let us know in the comments.

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